Miami-Dade Public Schools are currently struggling with the selection of their Sexual and Reproductive Health Education curriculum. In April, the School Board approved the use of two textbooks, one for Middle School and one for High School. The decision is being appealed by opponents who do not want ANY Sexual and Reproductive Health Education.
We need professionals and parents (especially in Miami-Dade) to voice support for Comprehensive, Medically Accurate, Age Appropriate and Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health Education. We invite you to sign on to the Florida Healthy Youth Alliance Letter as an individual and/or organization.
Please sign on to the letter by 5pm on July 8th. We will present the letter to the School Board members and Superintendent prior to the July 20th School Board Meeting. We NEED your support in person at the school board meeting. Details will be sent soon.
Miami-Dade PROFESSIONAL/Organization Sign On Letter - https://bit.ly/MDSignOnPro
Miami-Dade PARENT/Individual Sign on Letter – https://bit.ly/MDSignOnParent
(you do not need to be located in Miami Dade to sign)