- Working to Institutionalize Sex Ed (WISE) Toolkit – This toolkit by a national initiative that supports school districts in implementing sex education offers experience-based best practices divided into four phases. Each phase is aimed at helping schools institutionalize sex education so that sex education is an ongoing part of a school’s curricula.
- 10 Characteristics of Effective Sex and HIV Education Programs – this document from the American School Health Association lists the 10 characteristics of the most effective sex and HIV education programs. The document also list 9 most promising elements of sex and HIV education program including parental involvement, role models, creative media sources and more.
- Florida’s Sexual Health Education Community Outreach Tool Kit – designed by Florida Department of Education this toolkit provides an outline for getting evidence-based sex education programs into communities. It contains a list of additional resources including the Center for Disease Control, Power to Decide, Florida Department of Health, and more. The toolkit also provides reliable statistics on teen pregnancy, sexual activity among high schoolers, and STI rates in the state of Florida.
- Three Decades of Research: The Case for Comprehensive Sex Education – Doctors Eva Goldfarb and Lisa Lieberman detail in a peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Adolescent Health, the vital role that school-base sex education plays in the health and wellbeing of young people. Research summaries of special note include:
- School Climate for LGBTQ Students in Florida – a snapshot of a national survey conducted by the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network shows the discrimation in which LGBTQIA+ students face in Florida. The survey allows people to report anything from anti-LGBTQ remarks to a lack of access to LGBTQ-inclusive education curricula in Florida schools. The full report is also available for review.
- Teaching Resources:
- Strategies for Teaching about Consent, Boundaries & Abuse
- Definitions of Abstinence-Based, Abstinence-Only, Abstinence-Only Until Marriage, and Comprehensive Human Sexuality Programs
- Definitions of Sexual Health Education
- Strategies for Teaching about Consent, Boundaries & Abuse
- Using Outside Speakers to Provide Sex Education: A Toolkit for Educators and School District Administrators
- Reaching LGBTQ youth
- Sexual development and sex ed:
- Sexual Risk and Protective Factors Affecting Teen Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy, Childbearing And Sexually Transmitted Disease: Which Are Important? Which Can You Change?
- Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors Among Youth
- Developing a Scope and Sequence for Sexual Health Education
- Curricula Criteria List
- Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool
- Adolescent Development Explained
- Building a Foundation for Sexual Health Is a K–12 Endeavor
- State and national resources: