Sex Ed in FL, What’s Next

Join us for a virtual meeting to review the recent FL Board of Education rule change and Legislation passed during the 2023 Session that will affect school based sexual health education.

Share your Support for YRBS

Send an email to the Duval County School Board; urge them to support the continued use of the YRBS to keep kids safe from abuse, suicide, injury, addiction, and other harms! 

Did you know Meningitis B can cause death in just a few hours?

Meningitis B can be sudden and deadly and quickly spreads. It is especially dangerous for young people between the ages of 16 – 23 years old. College students are 5x more likely to contract MenB than non-college students. It is important that young people get vaccinated to protect them!

We Need Your Help to Support Sex Ed in Miami-Dade Public Schools

Miami-Dade Public Schools are currently struggling with the selection of their Sexual and Reproductive Health Education curriculum. In April, the School Board approved the use of two textbooks, one for Middle School and one for High School. The decision is being appealed by opponents who do not want ANY Sexual and Reproductive Health Education.  We need […]